
为推进海上丝绸之路沿线国家和地区在物理学领域的产学研用融合发展,发挥华南师范大学物理学国家世界一流学科以及粤港澳大湾区产业资源丰富的双重优势, 以促进沿线国家和地区在该领域的科技产业发展,在教育部国际合作与交流司的指导下,由教育部学校规划建设发展中心主办,广东省教育厅和华南师范大学承办的“2024海上丝绸之路国际产学研用合作会议”将于2024年11月30日至12月2日广州召开。


In order to promote the integration of industry, education, research and application of physics in countries along the Maritime Silk Road and utilize the advantages of the first-class displine of physics in South China Normal University and the industrial resources in the Greater Bay Area, 2024 Maritime Silk Road International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research, and Application(hereinafter referred to as “MSRIC 2024”) will be held in Guangzhou, China during 30th November to 2th December, 2024. The conference will be supervised by the  Ministry of Education and organized by Department of Education of Guangdong Province and South China Normal University.

Renowned scientists and researchers in fields of physics, and materials are invited from China and overseas to discuss on topics including optical information physics and technology, atomic and molecular physics, particle physics and nuclear physics, semiconductor physics, condensed matter physics, materials physics, physical chemistry, computational physics and devices etc. It aims to explore how to promote the interdisciplinary research among physics, materials, and information and how to facilitate industry-university-research cooperation to transform scientific achievements into applications. 

Important Dates

中国 · 广州  Guangzhou, China


30th November - 2th December, 2024